Posted by: davidbowerkingwood | August 16, 2012

Thank You! by David Bower

A Pleasant Surprise

Recently Word Press revised my statistics page to show the different countries where people have viewed my blog. I was surprised and excited to see that people from 33 countries all over the world have viewed my blog since February 25th of this year.

While that was interesting to me the thing that surprised me most was the countries that had the most viewers. It was no surprise that the United States was number one but the order of the next nine caught me by complete surprise.

Number 2 was Indonesia, 3 was Brazil, 4 was Canada, 5 was The Czech Republic, 6 was The Russian Federation, 7 was South Africa, 8 was Colombia, 9 was Japan, and 10 was Nigeria.

My sincere thanks to all of you including the 23 countries not listed.

Thank you!


  1. With the readers being world wide I do hope that is encourage to keep going with the blog and know that even if we don’t always comment we appreciate your time and effort very very much. thank you David.


    • Kathy:
      Yes, it is encouraging to me and by God’s grace I intend to keep writing the blog.
      I do appreciate your taking the time to comment.


  2. Yes, we DO appreciate your time and effort, David! You are a blessing! Thank you!


    • Alison:
      Thank you for you comment, I appreciate your taking the time.


  3. Wow David, it seems you are an international star in the making! If those folks really knew the breadth of your knowledge, wisdom and experience, you would indeed already be internationally renown. I did find the countries interesting as it gives insight into the spiritual hunger of their people which is so encouraging. Please keep sharing your heart as it is obviously a blessing to many of us!!


    • Elaine:
      You are too kind in your comments. When I started the blog in July of last year my idea was to give it a year to see how it went and at the end of 1 year I could better determine if I should continue it or not. Since this is August I have evidently decided to continue the blog at least until I run out of ideas about which to write. I do enjoy writing the blog and as long as I feel it is doing some good to someone somewhere I’ll likely continue to write it.

      I’ve mentioned before my concern about the quality of life Christians enjoy; there seems to be entirely too many Christians that appear to be carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. This saddens me as my vision of the Christian life is a life filled with happiness and joy as described in Galatians 5:22-25. I see my mission in life as spreading the good news of a joyous Christian life as the normal birthright of all believers.


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