Posted by: davidbowerkingwood | November 7, 2012

The Election

 What is the Christian Perspective on the Election?

As citizens of the heavenly kingdom and ambassadors for Christ, how should we respond to the outcome of the 2012 election? First of all we should recognize our place as children of God’s royal family and ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ to the United States.

Secondly we should recognize the sovereign rule of our King, the Lord Jesus Christ, over the affairs of all men including most specifically the leaders of the United States. We must be constantly mindful that each and every one of those leaders has been placed in their positions of power by the express will of our King.

All are His servants placed in their positions of power to accomplish exactly what our Lord has determined beforehand must be done. Although they may not realize the truth of their situation it is, nevertheless, the reality which will be played out in their lives.

Whatsoever is Not of Faith is Sin!

My motivation for writing this blog is not the United States; it is you and your personal walk of faith. There has been a lot of moaning and groaning going on this morning in Christian circles about the outcome of yesterday’s election.

I must tell you that those of you who are doing that are sinning against God; you are living by sight and not by faith and that is sin. I have mentioned before the nature of government and pointed out as clearly as I could that those in positions of authority in government are specifically placed there by God to accomplish His will for each nation.

God Works All Things After the Counsel of His Own Will

In yesterday’s election we watched as God placed in positions of power and authority those He intended to have those places. Those elected are placed there by God in accordance with His divine will and our disputing or challenging His decisions in these matters is a direct challenge to God and that is most definitely sin against God.

Only God knows what will happen to those individuals and the United States but we can rest assured that God has a specific plan for each of them and this nation. Keeping in mind our positions as ambassadors we must view the situation with a certain objectivity.

It is clear from the Bible that the United States has no presence in the end times and, as the only remaining superpower, will have somehow disappeared from the world scene when the final drama plays out.

We, as ambassadors, have also been alerted to the fact that we will be taken out (by the Rapture) before real hostilities begin. How then should be respond to those events? By faith, of course, trusting in God and seeing His hand in all things. None of these things have caught God by surprise but have, in fact, been planned by Him from before the foundation of the world.

Our Responsibilities Before God

The Bible is filled with details on our responsibilities before God; how we should think, act, and speak. The first thing we should all do is to confess our sin to God as described in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” To the extent we have fretted about the election we have sinned against God.

The next thing that comes to mind is in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Circumstances are very undependable but God is always the same and a never ending source of joy.

The last command I will mention here is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”



  1. Thank you, David, for such true and comforting words today! I am comforted by the fact that I am an ambassador of Christ here. Thank you for reminding of that! God’s blessings to you today!


    • Alison:

      Thank you for your comment! I have learned that viewing life from the divine viewpoint is vastly superior to any alternative.



  2. David, thank you for your insights into this situation! You always know exactly how to put circumstances into proper perspective. We are privileged to be children of our Heavenly Father, having confidence that He will work all for our good!


    • Becky:

      You’re welcome and thank you for your comment. I’m convinced that times are coming that will test the faith of God’s saints. It will be extremely important that we are living our lives by faith and not by sight.



  3. David, this was exactly what I needed to hear. I knew all the things you wrote about, but it’s good to be reminded of them at such a time as this.
    Lynda Pirtle (I’m now in Fort Worth, TX since John passed away.)


    • Lynda:

      How good to hear from you, thank you for taking the time to comment. Fort Worth is a nice community, we lived there for several years while I was a student at TCU. I hope you are enjoying your stay there.

      Best regards and thanks again for writing.



  4. As a “moaner and groaner” I needed that. Thanks, David!


    • Anne:

      You’re welcome and thank you for commenting.

      The article was also written to keep me on track as I too must remind myself of the Biblical perspective.



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