Posted by: davidbowerkingwood | June 21, 2024

An Image Bearer’s Prayer of Praise, Worship, and Commitment to his Creator!

Holy Father, I come to your throne of grace filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for the many blessings you pour out on all who love you as their heavenly Father.

I joyfully acknowledge that I am your creation, created by you and for you and rejoice in your gift of salvation and new birth by faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.

I am delighted by your grace and mercy which has allowed me to live for you and serve you over 91 years; I thank you and praise you for the great love wherewith you have loved and cared for me. I can look back and clearly see your loving intervention at critical points in my life!

I further rejoice in the sure knowledge my times are in your hands, I acknowledge that the time you have appointed for me was established by you before I was even born, and only you know how many hours I have left in this mortal body; there is great depth of peace and contentment knowing my times are in your hands!

I acknowledge, with joy and thanksgiving, the indwelling presence of God, the Holy Spirit, who has been joined with my resurrected spirit in an eternal union. I thank and praise you that the Holy Spirit is my partner in prayer so my life might be a sweet-smelling savor to you now and forever.

By your grace, I pray that all my perceptions of life and living may be from your divine perspective; that I may always see all things as you see them. I am thankful to you for establishing me as your ambassador to this fallen earth, a royal priest to minister to those who suffer under the Adamic curse.

By your continued grace, may I faithfully serve and honor you with my life as long as I shall live! I ask this in the name of my beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, amen!


  1. awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome…

    what a blessing you have been, and continue to be, to all of us, David❣️

    Jan Olmsted

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you David for this very moving prayer. 🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

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