Posted by: davidbowerkingwood | March 19, 2018

God loves a grateful heart.

“Expressions” by Adele Bower ©

Jeff Wells is the Senior Pastor of Woodsedge Community Church and publishes a devotional to which I subscribe. This came in my email last week and I felt it was a beautiful expression of faith in our Heavenly Father and his unfailing love for his children.

March 15, 2018
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5b

God loves a grateful heart.

David had such a heart. He could look at his life and smile at God’s goodness to him, God’s blessing to him. Yes, life had been hard. At times life had been excruciating. But God had been good to him. So good. God had filled his cup to the brim and it was overflowing.

David had a grateful heart.

What about you? Has your life been hard and at times excruciating? Probably it has. It’s the way life is this side of heaven. But God has been good to you. So good. Your cup overflows.

Could you not pray this prayer?

Lord, you have been a Shepherd to me.

You have cared for me and provided for me.

You have loved me even when I ignored you.

Your eye has always been upon me.

You have offered me unlimited grace.

You have sent your own Son to die for me.

You have freely given your Spirit to live in me.

You give me access to you at any time.

You have given me life and breath.

You have brought wonderful people in my life who care about me.

You freely forgive me when I fail you.

You strengthen me when I am weak and needy.

You hear my prayers.

You delight in my love.

You have given me a secure and eternal future with you.

You have rescued me from the pit of hell.

You have chosen me. You have gifted me.

You have called me to a meaningful place in the great cosmic battle against the enemy.

You have protected me.

You want me.

You have given me food and shelter.

You have been so good to me.

My cup overflows.”

© 2018 WoodsEdge Community Church. All rights reserved. This article may be reproduced for any non-commercial use.

I found this to be a delightful statement of faith; I hope it blesses you too!


  1. Thank you for sharing. This was very timely as I have noticed in my grateful list I make most days, I have left out some of these very important items.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment. I too found it a good reminder of just how gracious God has been and have enjoyed thinking on it many times.


  2. Beautiful reminder of where our thoughts should be daily.


    • I agree, I find it very touching. I think often of Paul’s message in Philippians 4:4-9 and devote a great deal of time to rejoicing in the Lord.


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