Posted by: davidbowerkingwood | August 11, 2018

33 Years Ago, Today

A New Beginning

On August 11, 1985 at 9:00 PM my older son, Kevan, went home to be with the Lord. The family was gathered around his bed as he stopped breathing and was pronounced dead; we had been by his bedside for many hours as he steadily declined and finally left his mortal body. For several hours he had been unresponsive so we were not sure he could even hear us. Just in case he could, I had started reading the gospel of John out loud until I got to John 14 and had only read a few verses when I started sobbing uncontrollably; the family understood my distress and waited patiently for me to regain my self-control.

After that we talked quietly and waited for the inevitable; at 9:00 PM that evening he was gone; we gathered around his bed and I led the family in prayer. We thanked the Lord for the precious life that had been entrusted to us by the Lord and asked that we might honor his life by demonstrating the sufficiency of God’s grace by living our lives, over the coming days, filled with faith and joy in the Lord.

We desired his memorial service to honor him and the Lord as we suspected several unbelieving friends would attend the service; we wanted his service to be a memorial to a life well lived, not a mourning for a life lost; a service that clearly displayed the joy and hope available to all who are born-again in Jesus Christ. By God’s grace we were able to do just that; a joyful reflection on a beloved life that had gone home to be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I spoke during the service and told those assembled there how exciting the last few days must have been for Kevan, home with the Lord and seeing and hearing amazing things we cannot even imagine. Four years before his death Kevan had been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, an Astrocytoma grade 3 and had only three months to live. The following years were a struggle for Kevan which had gotten ever more difficult as time passed. The last few months before his passing were particularly difficult for him and those who loved him.

He fought valiantly against the cancer and added four more years to his life before it finally sent him home; but in the end it took his mortal life. I call this “A New Beginning” because that is what really happened, our Kevan just moved on to his eternal home with the Lord. Kevan had been made in the image of God and the living essence which is Kevan, and for an all too brief a time occupied a mortal body of clay, had moved on to his eternal reward in the presence of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Common Heritage

We are all just like Kevan, all of us have been created in the image of God and are eternal; there will never be a time when we do not have a living presence in the universe. From a human perspective I still miss Kevan and have a picture of him on my desk; I see it and think about him many times each day. From a spiritual perspective I know that I shall someday see him again, as my brother in the family of God; the timing on that is in God’s hands and I rejoice in the perfection of all his decisions including calling Kevan home at age 28.

Fortunately, the Lord does not require my understanding, just my faith and I choose to trust him completely. I think, from time to time on David’s observation on the death of his son where in 2 Samuel 12:22-23 it is written:

22 David said, “While the baby was still alive, I fasted, and I cried. I thought, ‘Who knows? Maybe the Lord will feel sorry for me and let the baby live.’ 23 But now that the baby is dead, why should I fast? I can’t bring him back to life. Someday I will go to him, but he cannot come back to me.”

We rejoice in the 28 years we had with Kevan and have many happy memories of his precious life; now we can look forward to seeing him again at a time known only to the Lord.



  1. I miss Kevan, too, and think about him all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing. This was sad, yet happy. Sad when we loose those we love and happy because we know where they are. Even after all this time, I am sorry for your loss. P. Reinhardt

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a source of comfort and joy to know he is home with the Lord and I shall see him again.


  3. Tears!!! It was a difficult time but such a blessing also.

    I look forward to our reunion in heaven, however that looks. Just being gathered together again with loved ones glorifying God will be unbelievable.

    I love you Kevan ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m truly thankful for all the special times we had together as a family; so many happy times!


  4. Well said, David! I am very excited to see Kevan and my brother, Ed, again in God’s perfect timing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • As Christians we have so many things for which we can be thankful, both now and in eternity to come!


  5. David, thank you for sharing your remembrance of you son. It blessed me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jerry; we have an abundance of great memories of that fine young man.


  6. Wonderful testimony of God’s grace. Thanks for sharing!

    Love in Jesus’ name,


    Ps. 116:15


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Dave, I might wish we had more time with him but God’s will was done and I accept that.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Very touching and to the point, David Bless you and yours. Paul Distefano (Donna Hawes’ husband)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Paul, yes, I remember you. I am sometimes saddened by his short life but realize the Lord called him home in accordance with his own perfect will and am thankful for the years we had together.


  8. Such a beautiful tribute to a son well loved. Blessings & love to you and Adele.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Melanie, it is comforting to know he is so blessed and someday I’ll see him again!


  9. Dear David,
    Thank you for sharing Kevan’s story. I have heard Adele comment about this time in your lives on multiple occasions but not heard it from you. What a testimony to the sufficiency of our Great God as He cared so tenderly for Kevan through 4 years of disease and then to you and Adele at the physical loss of your precious son. What a ministry your story is to my heart and I’m confident to a multitude of other parents who have experienced your same pain.
    Your blog is a blessing! Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom and experiences to enrich so many of us.
    Sending love to you & Adele…Elaine

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Elaine,

      Times of testing offer opportunities for great blessings if we will only walk by faith.

      Best regards to you and Jim



  10. I was in tears right from the beginning. I have nothing to add. I’m just thankful to know you and you have the privilege to learn from you! Thank you for sharing! What a hope we have in Jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Paloma, yes, we are truly blessed as we respond to circumstances by faith and not by sight.


  11. a beautiful tribute


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